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FFA Chapter
2020-2021 Officer Team
President - Valerie Imhoff
Vice President - Riley Stull
Reporter - Jadeyn Berry
Sentinel - Craig Wellert
Treasurer - Ari Borton
Student Advisor - Desi Smith
Secretary - Lizzy Howman
Assistant Officers - Kara McKay, Hanna Wilson, Rylee Dawson, Dugan Mclaughlin, Troy Tope, Kade Tegtmeier, Zoey Dudte, Aubrey Browning
Jadeyn Berry
Dugan McLaughlin
Hanna Wilson
Riley Stull
Rylee Dawson
Zoey Dudte
Kade Tegtmeier
Craig Wellert
Deziree Smith
Ari Borton
Kara McKay
Lizzy Howman
Troy Tope
Valerie Imhoff
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